Source code for malaya_speech.augmentation.spectrogram

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as nl
import tensorflow as tf
import random


def warp_time_pil(features, max_time_warp=80):
    from PIL import Image
    from PIL.Image import BICUBIC

    window = max_time_warp
    t = features.shape[0]
    if t - window <= window:
        return features
    center = random.randrange(window, t - window)
    warped = random.randrange(center - window, center + window) + 1

    left = Image.fromarray(features[:center]).resize(
        (features.shape[1], warped), BICUBIC
    right = Image.fromarray(features[center:]).resize(
        (features.shape[1], t - warped), BICUBIC
    return np.concatenate((left, right), 0)

def tf_warp_time(features, max_time_warp=80):
    window = max_time_warp
    t = tf.shape(features)[0]

    def warp(features):
        center = tf.random.uniform(
            shape=[], minval=window, maxval=t - window, dtype=tf.int32
        warped = (
                minval=center - window,
                maxval=center + window,
            + 1
        f = features[:center]
        im = f[tf.newaxis, :, :, tf.newaxis]
        left = tf.image.resize(
            im, (warped, features.shape[1]), method='bicubic'
        f = features[center:]
        im = f[tf.newaxis, :, :, tf.newaxis]
        right = tf.image.resize(
            im, (t - warped, features.shape[1]), method='bicubic'
        left = left[0, :, :, 0]
        right = right[0, :, :, 0]

        return tf.concat((left, right), 0)

    return tf.cond(
        t - window <= window, lambda: features, lambda: warp(features)

def warp_time_interpolate(features, W=40, T=30, mt=2):

    from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist, squareform
    from scipy import interpolate

    def makeT(cp):
        K = cp.shape[0]
        T = np.zeros((K + 3, K + 3))
        T[:K, 0] = 1
        T[:K, 1:3] = cp
        T[K, 3:] = 1
        T[K + 1:, 3:] = cp.T
        R = squareform(pdist(cp, metric='euclidean'))
        R = R * R
        R[R == 0] = 1  # a trick to make R ln(R) 0
        R = R * np.log(R)
        np.fill_diagonal(R, 0)
        T[:K, 3:] = R
        return T

    def liftPts(p, cp):
        N, K = p.shape[0], cp.shape[0]
        pLift = np.zeros((N, K + 3))
        pLift[:, 0] = 1
        pLift[:, 1:3] = p
        R = cdist(p, cp, 'euclidean')
        R = R * R
        R[R == 0] = 1
        R = R * np.log(R)
        pLift[:, 3:] = R
        return pLift

    spec = features.T
    Nframe = spec.shape[1]
    Nbin = spec.shape[0]
    if Nframe < W * 2 + 1:
        W = int(Nframe / 4)
    if Nframe < T * 2 + 1:
        T = int(Nframe / mt)

    w = random.randint(-W, W)
    center = random.randint(W, Nframe - W)
    src = np.asarray(
            [float(center), 1],
            [float(center), 0],
            [float(center), 2],
            [0, 0],
            [0, 1],
            [0, 2],
            [Nframe - 1, 0],
            [Nframe - 1, 1],
            [Nframe - 1, 2],
    dst = np.asarray(
            [float(center + w), 1],
            [float(center + w), 0],
            [float(center + w), 2],
            [0, 0],
            [0, 1],
            [0, 2],
            [Nframe - 1, 0],
            [Nframe - 1, 1],
            [Nframe - 1, 2],

    xs, ys = src[:, 0], src[:, 1]
    cps = np.vstack([xs, ys]).T
    xt, yt = dst[:, 0], dst[:, 1]
    TT = makeT(cps)

    xtAug = np.concatenate([xt, np.zeros(3)])
    ytAug = np.concatenate([yt, np.zeros(3)])
    cx = nl.solve(TT, xtAug)
    cy = nl.solve(TT, ytAug)
    x = np.linspace(0, Nframe - 1, Nframe)
    y = np.linspace(1, 1, 1)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    xgs, ygs = x.flatten(), y.flatten()

    gps = np.vstack([xgs, ygs]).T

    pgLift = liftPts(gps, cps)
    xgt =, cx.T)
    spec_warped = np.zeros_like(spec)
    for f_ind in range(Nbin):
        spec_tmp = spec[f_ind, :]
        func = interpolate.interp1d(xgt, spec_tmp, fill_value='extrapolate')
        xnew = np.linspace(0, Nframe - 1, Nframe)
        spec_warped[f_ind, :] = func(xnew)

    return spec_warped.T

[docs]def mask_frequency( features, n_freq_mask: int = 2, width_freq_mask: int = 8, random_band=True ): """ Mask frequency. Parameters ---------- features : np.array n_freq_mask: int, optional (default=2) loop size for masking. width_freq_mask: int, optional (default=8) masking size. Returns ------- result : np.array """ features = features.copy() for idx in range(n_freq_mask): if random_band: freq_band = np.random.randint(width_freq_mask + 1) else: freq_band = width_freq_mask freq_base = np.random.randint(0, features.shape[1] - freq_band) features[:, freq_base: freq_base + freq_band] = 0 return features
[docs]def mask_time( features, n_time_mask=2, width_time_mask=8, random_band=True ): """ Time frequency. Parameters ---------- features : np.array n_time_mask: int, optional (default=2) loop size for masking. width_time_mask: int, optional (default=8) masking size. Returns ------- result : np.array """ features = features.copy() for idx in range(n_time_mask): if random_band: time_band = np.random.randint(width_time_mask + 1) else: time_band = width_time_mask if features.shape[0] - time_band > 0: time_base = np.random.randint(features.shape[0] - time_band) features[time_base: time_base + time_band, :] = 0 return features
[docs]def tf_mask_frequency(features, n_freq_mask=2, F=27): """ Mask frequency using Tensorflow. Parameters ---------- features : np.array F: size of mask for frequency """ features_shape = tf.shape(features) n, v = features_shape[0], features_shape[1] for idx in range(n_freq_mask): f = tf.random_uniform([], 0, F, tf.int32) f0 = tf.random_uniform([], 0, v - f, tf.int32) mask = tf.concat( ( tf.ones(shape=(n, v - f0 - f)), tf.zeros(shape=(n, f)), tf.ones(shape=(n, f0)), ), 1, ) masked = features * mask features = masked return tf.to_float(masked)
[docs]def tf_mask_time(features, n_time_mask=2, T=80): """ Mask time using Tensorflow. Parameters ---------- features : np.array T: size of mask for time """ features_shape = tf.shape(features) n, v = features_shape[0], features_shape[1] for idx in range(n_time_mask): t = tf.random_uniform([], 0, T, tf.int32) t0 = tf.random_uniform([], 0, n - T, tf.int32) mask = tf.concat( ( tf.ones(shape=(n - t0 - t, v)), tf.zeros(shape=(t, v)), tf.ones(shape=(t0, v)), ), 0, ) masked = features * mask features = masked return tf.to_float(masked)