Realtime VAD#

Let say you want to cut your realtime recording audio by using VAD, malaya-speech able to do that.

This tutorial is available as an IPython notebook at malaya-speech/example/realtime-vad.

This module is language independent, so it save to use on different languages. Pretrained models trained on multilanguages.

This is an application of malaya-speech Pipeline, read more about malaya-speech Pipeline at malaya-speech/example/pipeline.

import malaya_speech
from malaya_speech import Pipeline

Load VAD model#

Fastest and common model people use, is webrtc. Read more about VAD at

webrtc = malaya_speech.vad.webrtc()

Recording interface#

So, to start recording audio including realtime VAD, we need to use malaya_speech.streaming.record. We use pyaudio library as the backend.

def record(
    asr_model = None,
    classification_model = None,
    device = None,
    input_rate: int = 16000,
    sample_rate: int = 16000,
    blocks_per_second: int = 50,
    padding_ms: int = 300,
    ratio: float = 0.75,
    min_length: float = 0.1,
    filename: str = None,
    spinner: bool = False,
    Record an audio using pyaudio library. This record interface required a VAD model.

    vad: object
        vad model / pipeline.
    asr_model: object
        ASR model / pipeline, will transcribe each subsamples realtime.
    classification_model: object
        classification pipeline, will classify each subsamples realtime.
    device: None
        `device` parameter for pyaudio, check available devices from `sounddevice.query_devices()`.
    input_rate: int, optional (default = 16000)
        sample rate from input device, this will auto resampling.
    sample_rate: int, optional (default = 16000)
        output sample rate.
    blocks_per_second: int, optional (default = 50)
        size of frame returned from pyaudio, frame size = sample rate / (blocks_per_second / 2).
        50 is good for WebRTC, 30 or less is good for Malaya Speech VAD.
    padding_ms: int, optional (default = 300)
        size of queue to store frames, size = padding_ms // (1000 * blocks_per_second // sample_rate)
    ratio: float, optional (default = 0.75)
        if 75% of the queue is positive, assumed it is a voice activity.
    min_length: float, optional (default=0.1)
        minimum length (s) to accept a subsample.
    filename: str, optional (default=None)
        if None, will auto generate name based on timestamp.
    spinner: bool, optional (default=False)
        if True, will use spinner object from halo library.

    result : [filename, samples]

Once you start to run the code below, it will straight away recording your voice. Right now I am using built-in microphone.

If you run in jupyter notebook, press button stop up there to stop recording, if in terminal, press CTRL + c.

file, samples = malaya_speech.streaming.record(webrtc)
saved audio to savewav_2020-11-26_22-36-06_294832.wav (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ... Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ... Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ... Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...


get the audio at malaya-speech/speech/record.

As you can see, it will automatically save to a file, and you can check the length of samples.


means, we got 4 subsamples!

import IPython.display as ipd

ipd.Audio(malaya_speech.astype.to_ndarray(samples[0][0]), rate = 16000)

ipd.Audio(malaya_speech.astype.to_ndarray(samples[1][0]), rate = 16000)

ipd.Audio(malaya_speech.astype.to_ndarray(samples[2][0]), rate = 16000)

ipd.Audio(malaya_speech.astype.to_ndarray(samples[3][0]), rate = 16000)

Use pipeline#

We know, webrtc does not work really good in noisy environment, so to improve that, we can use VAD deep model from malaya-speech.

vad_model = malaya_speech.vad.deep_model(model = 'vggvox-v2', quantized = True)
WARNING:root:Load quantized model will cause accuracy drop.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /Users/huseinzolkepli/Documents/malaya-speech/malaya_speech/utils/ The name tf.gfile.GFile is deprecated. Please use instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /Users/huseinzolkepli/Documents/malaya-speech/malaya_speech/utils/ The name tf.gfile.GFile is deprecated. Please use instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /Users/huseinzolkepli/Documents/malaya-speech/malaya_speech/utils/ The name tf.GraphDef is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.GraphDef instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /Users/huseinzolkepli/Documents/malaya-speech/malaya_speech/utils/ The name tf.GraphDef is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.GraphDef instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /Users/huseinzolkepli/Documents/malaya-speech/malaya_speech/utils/ The name tf.InteractiveSession is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.InteractiveSession instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /Users/huseinzolkepli/Documents/malaya-speech/malaya_speech/utils/ The name tf.InteractiveSession is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.InteractiveSession instead.

pyaudio will returned int16 bytes, so we need to change to numpy array, normalize it to -1 and +1 floating point.

p = Pipeline()
pipeline = (

Once you start to run the code below, it will straight away recording your voice. Right now I am using built-in microphone.

If you run in jupyter notebook, press button stop up there to stop recording, if in terminal, press CTRL + c.

file, samples = malaya_speech.streaming.record(p)
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/librosa/core/ UserWarning: n_fft=512 is too small for input signal of length=320
  n_fft, y.shape[-1]
saved audio to savewav_2020-11-26_22-40-56_929661.wav (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ... Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ... Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ... Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...| Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) .../ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...- Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...\ Listening (ctrl-C to stop recording) ...


get the audio at malaya-speech/speech/record.



ipd.Audio(malaya_speech.astype.to_ndarray(samples[0]), rate = 16000)

ipd.Audio(malaya_speech.astype.to_ndarray(samples[1]), rate = 16000)

ipd.Audio(malaya_speech.astype.to_ndarray(samples[2]), rate = 16000)

ipd.Audio(malaya_speech.astype.to_ndarray(samples[3]), rate = 16000)