Source code for malaya_speech.model.transducer

import numpy as np
from malaya_speech.model.frame import Frame
from malaya_speech.utils.astype import int_to_float
from malaya_speech.utils.padding import sequence_1d
from malaya_speech.utils.subword import (
    decode as subword_decode,
    encode as subword_encode,
from malaya_speech.utils.activation import apply_temp
from import resample
from malaya_speech.utils.lm import (
from malaya_speech.model.abstract import Abstract

[docs]class Transducer(Abstract): def __init__( self, input_nodes, output_nodes, featurizer, vocab, time_reduction_factor, sess, model, name, wavs, stack=False, dummy_sentences=None, ): self._input_nodes = input_nodes self._output_nodes = output_nodes self._back_pad = np.zeros(shape=(2000,)) self._front_pad = np.zeros(shape=(200,)) self._featurizer = featurizer self._vocab = vocab self._time_reduction_factor = time_reduction_factor self._sess = sess self.__model__ = model self.__name__ = name self._wavs = wavs self._stack = stack if self._stack: self._len_vocab = [l.vocab_size for l in self._vocab] self._vocabs = {} k = 0 for v in self._vocab: for i in range(v.vocab_size - 1): self._vocabs[k] = v._id_to_subword(i) k += 1 else: self._vocabs = {i: self._vocab._id_to_subword(i) for i in range(self._vocab.vocab_size - 1)} self._vocabs[-1] = '' def _check_decoder(self, decoder, beam_width): decoder = decoder.lower() if decoder not in ['greedy', 'beam']: raise ValueError('mode only supports [`greedy`, `beam`]') if beam_width < 1: raise ValueError('beam_width must bigger than 0') return decoder def _get_inputs(self, inputs): inputs = [ input.array if isinstance(input, Frame) else input for input in inputs ] index = len(inputs) # pretty hacky, result from single batch is not good caused by batchnorm. # have to append extra random wavs if len(inputs) < len(self._wavs) + 1: inputs = inputs + self._wavs[:(len(self._wavs) + 1) - len(inputs)] # padded, lens = sequence_1d(inputs, return_len=True) # padded = np.concatenate([self._front_pad, padded, self._back_pad], axis=-1) # lens = [l + len(self._back_pad) + len(self._front_pad) for l in lens] inputs = [np.concatenate([self._front_pad, wav, self._back_pad], axis=-1) for wav in inputs] padded, lens = sequence_1d(inputs, return_len=True) return padded, lens, index def _combined_indices( self, subwords, ids, l, reduction_factor=160, sample_rate=16000 ): result, temp_l, temp_r = [], [], [] for i in range(len(subwords)): if ids[i] is None and len(temp_r): data = { 'text': ''.join(temp_l), 'start': temp_r[0], 'end': temp_r[-1] + (reduction_factor / sample_rate), } result.append(data) temp_l, temp_r = [], [] else: temp_l.append(subwords[i]) temp_r.append(l[ids[i]]) if len(temp_l): data = { 'text': ''.join(temp_l), 'start': temp_r[0], 'end': temp_r[-1] + (reduction_factor / sample_rate), } result.append(data) return result def _beam_decoder_lm(self, enc, total, initial_states, language_model, beam_width=5, token_min_logp=-20.0, beam_prune_logp=-5.0, temperature=0.0, score_norm=True, **kwargs): kept_hyps = [ BeamHypothesis_LM(score=0.0, score_lm=0.0, prediction=[0], states=initial_states, text='', next_word='', word_part='') ] cached_lm_scores = { '': (0.0, 0.0, language_model.get_start_state()) } cached_p_lm_scores: Dict[str, float] = {} B = kept_hyps for i in range(total): A = B B = [] while True: y_hat = max(A, key=lambda x: x.score) A.remove(y_hat) r = self._execute( inputs=[enc[i], y_hat.prediction[-1], y_hat.states], input_labels=[ 'encoded_placeholder', 'predicted_placeholder', 'states_placeholder', ], output_labels=['ytu', 'new_states'], ) ytu_, new_states_ = r['ytu'], r['new_states'] if temperature > 0: ytu_ = apply_temp(ytu_, temperature=temperature) B.append(BeamHypothesis_LM( score=y_hat.score + ytu_[0], score_lm=0.0, prediction=y_hat.prediction, states=y_hat.states, text=y_hat.text, next_word=y_hat.next_word, word_part=y_hat.word_part, )) ytu_ = ytu_[1:] max_idx = ytu_.argmax() idx_list = set(np.where(ytu_ >= token_min_logp)[0]) | {max_idx} for k in idx_list: w = self._vocabs.get(k, ' ') if isinstance(w, bytes): w = w.decode(encoding='ISO-8859-1') w = w.replace('_', ' ') s = y_hat.score + ytu_[k] p = y_hat.prediction + [k + 1] if w[-1] == ' ': beam_hyp = BeamHypothesis_LM( score=s, score_lm=0.0, prediction=p, states=new_states_, text=y_hat.text, next_word=y_hat.word_part + w, word_part='' ) else: beam_hyp = BeamHypothesis_LM( score=s, score_lm=0.0, prediction=p, states=new_states_, text=y_hat.text, next_word=y_hat.next_word, word_part=y_hat.word_part + w ) A.append(beam_hyp) scored_beams = get_lm_beams(A, cached_lm_scores, cached_p_lm_scores, language_model) max_beam = max(scored_beams, key=lambda x: x.score_lm) max_score = max_beam.score_lm scored_beams = [b for b in scored_beams if b.score_lm >= max_score + beam_prune_logp] trimmed_beams = sort_and_trim_beams(scored_beams, beam_width=beam_width) A = prune_history(trimmed_beams, lm_order=language_model.order) max_A = max(A, key=lambda x: x.score) hyps_max = max_A.score kept_most_prob = [hyp for hyp in B if hyp.score > hyps_max] if len(kept_most_prob) >= beam_width: B = kept_most_prob break new_beams = [] for beam in B: text = beam.text next_word = beam.next_word word_part = beam.word_part last_char = beam.prediction[-1] logit_score = beam.score beam_hyp = BeamHypothesis_LM( score=logit_score, score_lm=0.0, prediction=beam.prediction, states=beam.states, text=text, next_word=word_part, word_part='' ) new_beams.append(beam_hyp) scored_beams = get_lm_beams(new_beams, cached_lm_scores, cached_p_lm_scores, language_model, is_eos=True) max_beam = max(scored_beams, key=lambda x: x.score_lm) max_score = max_beam.score_lm scored_beams = [b for b in scored_beams if b.score_lm >= max_score + beam_prune_logp] trimmed_beams = sort_and_trim_beams(scored_beams, beam_width) if score_norm: trimmed_beams.sort(key=lambda x: x.score_lm / len(x.prediction), reverse=True) else: trimmed_beams.sort(key=lambda x: x.score_lm, reverse=True) return trimmed_beams[0].prediction def _beam_decoder( self, enc, total, initial_states, beam_width=10, temperature=0.0, score_norm=True, **kwargs ): kept_hyps = [ BeamHypothesis( score=0.0, prediction=[0], states=initial_states ) ] B = kept_hyps for i in range(total): A = B B = [] while True: y_hat = max(A, key=lambda x: x.score) A.remove(y_hat) r = self._execute( inputs=[enc[i], y_hat.prediction[-1], y_hat.states], input_labels=[ 'encoded_placeholder', 'predicted_placeholder', 'states_placeholder', ], output_labels=['ytu', 'new_states'], ) ytu_, new_states_ = r['ytu'], r['new_states'] if temperature > 0: ytu_ = apply_temp(ytu_, temperature=temperature) top_k = ytu_[1:].argsort()[-beam_width:][::-1] B.append(BeamHypothesis( score=y_hat.score + ytu_[0], prediction=y_hat.prediction, states=y_hat.states, )) for k in top_k: beam_hyp = BeamHypothesis( score=y_hat.score + ytu_[k + 1], prediction=y_hat.prediction + [k + 1], states=new_states_, ) A.append(beam_hyp) hyps_max = max(A, key=lambda x: x.score).score kept_most_prob = sorted( [hyp for hyp in B if hyp.score > hyps_max], key=lambda x: x.score, ) if len(kept_most_prob) >= beam_width: B = kept_most_prob break if score_norm: B.sort(key=lambda x: x.score / len(x.prediction), reverse=True) else: B.sort(key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True) return B[0].prediction def _beam(self, inputs, language_model=None, beam_width=5, token_min_logp=-20.0, beam_prune_logp=-5.0, temperature=0.0, score_norm=True, **kwargs): padded, lens, index = self._get_inputs(inputs) results = [] if language_model: beam_function = self._beam_decoder_lm else: beam_function = self._beam_decoder r = self._execute( inputs=[padded, lens], input_labels=['X_placeholder', 'X_len_placeholder'], output_labels=['encoded', 'padded_lens', 'initial_states'], ) encoded_, padded_lens_, s = ( r['encoded'], r['padded_lens'], r['initial_states'], ) padded_lens_ = padded_lens_ // self._time_reduction_factor for i in range(index): r = beam_function( enc=encoded_[i], total=padded_lens_[i], initial_states=s, beam_width=beam_width, temperature=temperature, language_model=language_model, token_min_logp=token_min_logp, beam_prune_logp=beam_prune_logp, score_norm=score_norm, ) if self._stack: d = decode_multilanguage(self._vocab, r) else: d = subword_decode(self._vocab, r) results.append(d) return results
[docs] def predict_alignment(self, input, combined=True): """ Transcribe input and get timestamp, only support greedy decoder. Parameters ---------- input: np.array np.array or malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame. combined: bool, optional (default=True) If True, will combined subwords to become a word. Returns ------- result: List[Dict[text, start, end]] """ padded, lens, index = self._get_inputs([input]) r = self._execute( inputs=[padded, lens], input_labels=['X_placeholder', 'X_len_placeholder'], output_labels=['non_blank_transcript', 'non_blank_stime'], ) non_blank_transcript = r['non_blank_transcript'] non_blank_stime = r['non_blank_stime'] if combined: if self._stack: words, indices = align_multilanguage( self._vocab, non_blank_transcript, get_index=True ) else: words, indices = self._vocab.decode( non_blank_transcript, get_index=True ) else: words, indices = [], [] for no, ids in enumerate(non_blank_transcript): if self._stack: last_index, v = get_index_multilanguage(ids, self._vocab, self._len_vocab) w = self._vocab[last_index]._id_to_subword(v - 1) else: w = self._vocab._id_to_subword(ids - 1) if isinstance(w, bytes): w = w.decode() words.extend([w, None]) indices.extend([no, None]) return self._combined_indices(words, indices, non_blank_stime)
[docs] def greedy_decoder(self, inputs): """ Transcribe inputs using greedy decoder. Parameters ---------- inputs: List[np.array] List[np.array] or List[malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame]. Returns ------- result: List[str] """ padded, lens, index = self._get_inputs(inputs) results = [] r = self._execute( inputs=[padded, lens], input_labels=['X_placeholder', 'X_len_placeholder'], output_labels=['greedy_decoder'], )['greedy_decoder'] for row in r[:index]: if self._stack: d = decode_multilanguage(self._vocab, row[row > 0]) else: d = subword_decode(self._vocab, row[row > 0]) results.append(d) return results
[docs] def beam_decoder(self, inputs, beam_width: int = 5, temperature: float = 0.0, score_norm: bool = True): """ Transcribe inputs using beam decoder. Parameters ---------- inputs: List[np.array] List[np.array] or List[malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame]. beam_width: int, optional (default=5) beam size for beam decoder. temperature: float, optional (default=0.0) apply temperature function for logits, can help for certain case, logits += -np.log(-np.log(uniform_noise_shape_logits)) * temperature score_norm: bool, optional (default=True) descending sort beam based on score / length of decoded. Returns ------- result: List[str] """ return self._beam(inputs=inputs, beam_width=beam_width, temperature=temperature, score_norm=score_norm)
[docs] def beam_decoder_lm(self, inputs, language_model, beam_width: int = 5, token_min_logp: float = -20.0, beam_prune_logp: float = -5.0, temperature: float = 0.0, score_norm: bool = True): """ Transcribe inputs using beam decoder + KenLM. Parameters ---------- inputs: List[np.array] List[np.array] or List[malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame]. language_model: pyctcdecode.language_model.LanguageModel pyctcdecode language model, load from `LanguageModel(kenlm_model, alpha = alpha, beta = beta)`. beam_width: int, optional (default=5) beam size for beam decoder. token_min_logp: float, optional (default=-20.0) minimum log probability to select a token. beam_prune_logp: float, optional (default=-5.0) filter candidates >= max score lm + `beam_prune_logp`. temperature: float, optional (default=0.0) apply temperature function for logits, can help for certain case, logits += -np.log(-np.log(uniform_noise_shape_logits)) * temperature score_norm: bool, optional (default=True) descending sort beam based on score / length of decoded. Returns ------- result: List[str] """ return self._beam(inputs=inputs, language_model=language_model, beam_width=beam_width, token_min_logp=token_min_logp, beam_prune_logp=beam_prune_logp, temperature=temperature, score_norm=score_norm)
[docs] def predict(self, inputs): """ Transcribe inputs using greedy decoder, will return list of strings. Parameters ---------- inputs: List[np.array] List[np.array] or List[malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame]. Returns ------- result: List[str] """ return self.greedy_decoder(inputs)
[docs] def gradio(self, record_mode: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Transcribe an input using beam decoder on Gradio interface. Parameters ---------- record_mode: bool, optional (default=True) if True, Gradio will use record mode, else, file upload mode. **kwargs: keyword arguments for beam decoder and `iface.launch`. """ try: import gradio as gr except BaseException: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'gradio not installed. Please install it by `pip install gradio` and try again.' ) def pred(audio): sample_rate, data = audio if len(data.shape) == 2: data = np.mean(data, axis=1) data = int_to_float(data) data = resample(data, sample_rate, 16000) return self._beam(inputs=[data], **kwargs)[0] title = 'RNNT-STT using Beam Decoder' description = 'It will take sometime for the first time, after that, should be really fast.' if record_mode: input = 'microphone' else: input = 'audio' iface = gr.Interface(pred, input, 'text', title=title, description=description) return iface.launch(**kwargs)
def __call__(self, input): """ Transcribe input using greedy decoder, will return a string. Parameters ---------- input: np.array np.array or malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame. Returns ------- result: str """ return self.predict([input])[0]
[docs]class TransducerAligner(Abstract): def __init__( self, input_nodes, output_nodes, featurizer, vocab, time_reduction_factor, sess, model, name, wavs, dummy_sentences, stack=False, ): self._input_nodes = input_nodes self._output_nodes = output_nodes self._featurizer = featurizer self._vocab = vocab self._time_reduction_factor = time_reduction_factor self._sess = sess self.__model__ = model self.__name__ = name self._wavs = wavs self._dummy_sentences = dummy_sentences self._stack = stack if self._stack: self._len_vocab = [l.vocab_size for l in self._vocab] def _get_inputs(self, inputs, texts): inputs = [ input.array if isinstance(input, Frame) else input for input in inputs ] index = len(inputs) # pretty hacky, result from single batch is not good caused by batchnorm. # have to append extra random wavs if len(inputs) < len(self._wavs) + 1: inputs = inputs + self._wavs[:(len(self._wavs) + 1) - len(inputs)] texts = texts + self._dummy_sentences padded, lens = sequence_1d(inputs, return_len=True) targets = [subword_encode(self._vocab, t) for t in texts] targets_padded, targets_lens = sequence_1d(targets, return_len=True) return padded, lens, targets_padded, targets_lens, index def _combined_indices( self, subwords, ids, l, reduction_factor=160, sample_rate=16000 ): result, temp_l, temp_r = [], [], [] for i in range(len(subwords)): if ids[i] is None and len(temp_r): data = { 'text': ''.join(temp_l), 'start': temp_r[0], 'end': temp_r[-1] + (reduction_factor / sample_rate), } result.append(data) temp_l, temp_r = [], [] else: temp_l.append(subwords[i]) temp_r.append(l[ids[i]]) if len(temp_l): data = { 'text': ''.join(temp_l), 'start': temp_r[0], 'end': temp_r[-1] + (reduction_factor / sample_rate), } result.append(data) return result
[docs] def predict(self, input, transcription: str, sample_rate: int = 16000): """ Transcribe input, will return a string. Parameters ---------- input: np.array np.array or malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame. transcription: str transcription of input audio sample_rate: int, optional (default=16000) sample rate for `input`. Returns ------- result: Dict[words_alignment, subwords_alignment, subwords, alignment] """ padded, lens, targets_padded, targets_lens, index = self._get_inputs([input], [transcription]) r = self._execute( inputs=[padded, lens, targets_padded, targets_lens], input_labels=['X_placeholder', 'X_len_placeholder', 'subwords', 'subwords_lens'], output_labels=['non_blank_transcript', 'non_blank_stime', 'decoded', 'alignment'], ) non_blank_transcript = r['non_blank_transcript'] non_blank_stime = r['non_blank_stime'] decoded = r['decoded'] alignment = r['alignment'] if self._stack: words, indices = align_multilanguage( self._vocab, non_blank_transcript, get_index=True ) else: words, indices = self._vocab.decode( non_blank_transcript, get_index=True ) words_alignment = self._combined_indices(words, indices, non_blank_stime) words, indices = [], [] for no, ids in enumerate(non_blank_transcript): if self._stack: last_index, v = get_index_multilanguage(ids, self._vocab, self._len_vocab) w = self._vocab[last_index]._id_to_subword(v - 1) else: w = self._vocab._id_to_subword(ids - 1) if isinstance(w, bytes): w = w.decode() words.extend([w, None]) indices.extend([no, None]) subwords_alignment = self._combined_indices(words, indices, non_blank_stime) if self._stack: subwords_ = [] for ids in decoded[decoded > 0]: last_index, v = get_index_multilanguage(ids, self._vocab, self._len_vocab) subwords_.append(self._vocab[last_index]._id_to_subword(v - 1)) else: subwords_ = [self._vocab._id_to_subword(ids - 1) for ids in decoded[decoded > 0]] subwords_ = [s.decode() if isinstance(s, bytes) else s for s in subwords_] alignment = alignment[:, targets_padded[0, :targets_lens[0]]] t = (len(input) / sample_rate) / alignment.shape[0] for i in range(len(words_alignment)): start = int(round(words_alignment[i]['start'] / t)) end = int(round(words_alignment[i]['end'] / t)) words_alignment[i]['start_t'] = start words_alignment[i]['end_t'] = end words_alignment[i]['score'] = alignment[start: end + 1, i].max() for i in range(len(subwords_alignment)): start = int(round(subwords_alignment[i]['start'] / t)) end = int(round(subwords_alignment[i]['end'] / t)) subwords_alignment[i]['start_t'] = start subwords_alignment[i]['end_t'] = end subwords_alignment[i]['score'] = alignment[start: end + 1, i].max() return {'words_alignment': words_alignment, 'subwords_alignment': subwords_alignment, 'subwords': subwords_, 'alignment': alignment}
def __call__(self, input, transcription: str): """ Transcribe input, will return a string. Parameters ---------- input: np.array np.array or malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame. transcription: str transcription of input audio Returns ------- result: Dict[words_alignment, subwords_alignment, subwords, alignment] """ return self.predict(input, transcription)