Voice Activity Detection#

This tutorial is available as an IPython notebook at malaya-speech/example/vad.

This module is language independent, so it save to use on different languages. Pretrained models trained on multilanguages.

This is an application of malaya-speech Pipeline, read more about malaya-speech Pipeline at malaya-speech/example/pipeline.


Trained on MUSAN and selected Youtube videos gathered at https://github.com/huseinzol05/malaya-speech/tree/master/data/noise

import malaya_speech
import numpy as np
from malaya_speech import Pipeline
y, sr = malaya_speech.load('speech/7021-79759-0004.wav')
len(y), sr
(391520, 16000)

Load WebRTC#

def webrtc(
    aggressiveness: int = 3,
    sample_rate: int = 16000,
    minimum_amplitude: int = 100,
    Load WebRTC VAD model.

    aggressiveness: int, optional (default=3)
        an integer between 0 and 3.
        0 is the least aggressive about filtering out non-speech, 3 is the most aggressive.
    sample_rate: int, optional (default=16000)
        sample rate for samples.
    minimum_amplitude: int, optional (default=100)
        abs(minimum_amplitude) to assume a sample is a voice activity. Else, automatically False.

    result : malaya_speech.model.webrtc.WEBRTC class

WebRTC developed by Google, reportedly one of the best available, being fast, modern and free. Read more about pywebrtc at https://github.com/wiseman/py-webrtcvad.

For WebRTC, we need to pass integer signal.

Install webrtcvad by simply using PIP,

pip3 install webrtcvad
y_int = malaya_speech.astype.float_to_int(y)
vad = malaya_speech.vad.webrtc(minimum_amplitude = int(np.quantile(np.abs(y_int), 0.2)))

List available deep model#

Size (MB) Quantized Size (MB) Accuracy
vggvox-v1 70.800 17.700 0.809844
vggvox-v2 31.100 7.920 0.819688
speakernet 20.300 5.180 0.734062
marblenet-factor1 0.526 0.232 0.849187
marblenet-factor3 3.210 0.934 0.838556
marblenet-factor5 8.380 2.210 0.843541

Load deep model#

Deep model trained on different noises, augmented noises, procedural noises, overlapped noises and actual voices.

def deep_model(model: str = 'marblenet-factor1', quantized: bool = False, **kwargs):
    Load VAD model.

    model : str, optional (default='vggvox-v2')
        Model architecture supported. Allowed values:

        * ``'vggvox-v1'`` - finetuned VGGVox V1.
        * ``'vggvox-v2'`` - finetuned VGGVox V2.
        * ``'speakernet'`` - finetuned SpeakerNet.
        * ``'marblenet-factor1'`` - Pretrained MarbleNet * factor 1.
        * ``'marblenet-factor3'`` - Pretrained MarbleNet * factor 3.
        * ``'marblenet-factor5'`` - Pretrained MarbleNet * factor 5.

    quantized : bool, optional (default=False)
        if True, will load 8-bit quantized model.
        Quantized model not necessary faster, totally depends on the machine.

    result : malaya_speech.supervised.classification.load function
model_factor1 = malaya_speech.vad.deep_model(model = 'marblenet-factor1')
model_factor3 = malaya_speech.vad.deep_model(model = 'marblenet-factor3')

How to detect Voice Activity#

In order to use available Malaya-Speech VAD models, we need to split our audio sample into really small chunks.

For Google WebRTC, we need to split by every 10, 20 or 30 ms.

For deep learning,

  • vggvox-v1, vggvox-v2 and speakernet, we trained on 30 ms, 90 ms.

  • marblenet, we trained on 50 ms.

To split an audio sample by giving time split, use, malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames

def frames(
    frame_duration_ms: int = 30,
    sample_rate: int = 16000,
    append_ending_trail: bool = True,
    Generates audio frames from PCM audio data.
    Takes the desired frame duration in milliseconds, the PCM data, and the sample rate.


    audio: np.array / list
    frame_duration_ms: int, optional (default=30)
    sample_rate: int, optional (default=16000)
    append_ending_trail: bool, optional (default=True)
        if True, will append last trail and this last trail might not same length as `frame_duration_ms`.

    result: List[malaya_speech.model.frame.FRAME]

frames_int = list(malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames(y_int, 30, sr))
frames = list(malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames(y, 30, sr))
CPU times: user 3.1 ms, sys: 145 µs, total: 3.25 ms
Wall time: 3.4 ms

frames_webrtc = [(frame, vad(frame)) for frame in frames_int]
CPU times: user 22.6 ms, sys: 1.41 ms, total: 24 ms
Wall time: 23.5 ms

frames = list(malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames(y, 50, sr))
frames_deep_factor1 = [(frame, model_factor1(frame)) for frame in frames]
CPU times: user 752 ms, sys: 53.5 ms, total: 806 ms
Wall time: 598 ms

frames_deep_factor3 = [(frame, model_factor3(frame)) for frame in frames]
CPU times: user 848 ms, sys: 57.5 ms, total: 906 ms
Wall time: 667 ms

To speedup, you can do pipeline batching to utilize parallel processing or use GPU or both.

Batching pipeline#

p = Pipeline()
pipeline = (

result = p.emit(frames)
CPU times: user 433 ms, sys: 46.4 ms, total: 479 ms
Wall time: 227 ms
dict_keys(['batching', 'predict', 'flatten'])
frames_deep_factor1_batch = [(frame, result['flatten'][no]) for no, frame in enumerate(frames)]
len(frames_deep_factor1) == len(frames_deep_factor1_batch)

get probability#

Deep learning model able to calculate probability, simply use model.predict_proba, and make sure the input is an array or a list,


probs = [(frame, model_factor1.predict_proba([frame])) for frame in frames]
CPU times: user 735 ms, sys: 51.1 ms, total: 786 ms
Wall time: 603 ms
[(<malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame at 0x147d841d0>,
  array([[0.4536493, 0.5463507]], dtype=float32)),
 (<malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame at 0x147d84e50>,
  array([[0.99563223, 0.00436788]], dtype=float32)),
 (<malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame at 0x147d84f10>,
  array([[9.9996042e-01, 3.9535582e-05]], dtype=float32)),
 (<malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame at 0x147d84210>,
  array([[0.89770913, 0.10229082]], dtype=float32)),
 (<malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame at 0x147d84d90>,
  array([[0.48591104, 0.514089  ]], dtype=float32))]

VAD Visualization#

We can visualize our audio sample to annotate which parts are active speech or not.

malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_webrtc, sr)
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_deep_factor1, sr)
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_deep_factor3, sr)
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_deep_factor1_batch, sr)

Groupby VAD#

To group small samples into larger samples, use malaya_speech.utils.group.group_frames,

def group_frames(frames):
    Group multiple frames based on label.

    frames: List[Tuple[Frame, label]]

    result : List[Tuple[Frame, label]]
grouped_vad = malaya_speech.utils.group.group_frames(frames_webrtc)
grouped_deep = malaya_speech.utils.group.group_frames(frames_deep_factor1)
len(frames), len(grouped_vad), len(grouped_deep)
(490, 52, 36)

Harder example#

In the real world, not all samples recorded in clean cut studio, full with background noises, music and etc. So those are not the real voice activities. Lets take noise sound,

y, sr = malaya_speech.load('speech/noise/n98.wav')
len(y), sr
(64000, 16000)

y_int = malaya_speech.astype.float_to_int(y)
frames_int = list(malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames(y_int, 30, sr))
CPU times: user 1.63 ms, sys: 961 µs, total: 2.59 ms
Wall time: 1.55 ms

vad = malaya_speech.vad.webrtc(minimum_amplitude = int(np.quantile(np.abs(y_int), 0.2)))
frames_webrtc = [(frame, vad(frame)) for frame in frames_int]
CPU times: user 6.78 ms, sys: 1.87 ms, total: 8.66 ms
Wall time: 6.86 ms
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_webrtc, sr)

frames = list(malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames(y, 50, sr))
result = p.emit(frames)
frames_deep_batch = [(frame, result['flatten'][no]) for no, frame in enumerate(frames)]
CPU times: user 96.2 ms, sys: 10 ms, total: 106 ms
Wall time: 52.9 ms
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_deep_batch, sr)

frames_deep_factor3 = [(frame, model_factor3(frame)) for frame in frames]
CPU times: user 206 ms, sys: 16.7 ms, total: 223 ms
Wall time: 168 ms
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_deep_factor3, sr)

As you can see, the deep model able to know this sample mostly noises!

y, sr = malaya_speech.load('speech/podcast/2x5%20Ep%2010.wav')
y = y[: sr * 10]
len(y), sr
(160000, 16000)
y_int = malaya_speech.utils.astype.float_to_int(y)

frames = list(malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames(y, 30, sr))
frames_int = list(malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames(y_int, 30, sr))

vad = malaya_speech.vad.webrtc(minimum_amplitude = int(np.quantile(np.abs(y_int), 0.2)))
frames_webrtc = [(frame, vad(frame)) for frame in frames_int]
CPU times: user 11.5 ms, sys: 1.7 ms, total: 13.2 ms
Wall time: 11.5 ms
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_webrtc, sr)

frames = list(malaya_speech.utils.generator.frames(y, 50, sr))
result = p.emit(frames)
frames_deep_batch = [(frame, result['flatten'][no]) for no, frame in enumerate(frames)]
CPU times: user 224 ms, sys: 23.1 ms, total: 247 ms
Wall time: 120 ms
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_deep_batch, sr)

Groupby based on time threshold#

Group multiple frames based on label and threshold to stop.

def group_frames_threshold(frames, threshold_to_stop: float = 0.3):
    Group multiple frames based on label and threshold to stop.

    frames: List[Tuple[Frame, label]]
    threshold_to_stop: float, optional (default = 0.3)
        If `threshold_to_stop` is 0.3, means that, length same label samples must at least 0.3 second.

    result : List[Tuple[Frame, label]]

result = p.emit(frames)
frames_deep_batch = [(frame, result['flatten'][no]) for no, frame in enumerate(frames)]
CPU times: user 200 ms, sys: 21.7 ms, total: 222 ms
Wall time: 110 ms
grouped_deep = malaya_speech.utils.group.group_frames(frames_deep_batch)
grouped_deep_threshold = malaya_speech.utils.group.group_frames_threshold(grouped_deep, 0.05)
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, grouped_deep_threshold, sr)

frames_deep_factor3 = [(frame, model_factor3(frame)) for frame in frames]
CPU times: user 514 ms, sys: 36.5 ms, total: 551 ms
Wall time: 459 ms
grouped_deep = malaya_speech.utils.group.group_frames(frames_deep_batch)
grouped_deep_threshold = malaya_speech.utils.group.group_frames_threshold(grouped_deep, 0.05)
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, grouped_deep_threshold, sr)

Load Quantized deep model#

To load 8-bit quantized model, simply pass quantized = True, default is False.

We can expect slightly accuracy drop from quantized model, and not necessary faster than normal 32-bit float model, totally depends on machine.

quantized_model = malaya_speech.vad.deep_model(model = 'marblenet-factor1', quantized = True)
WARNING:root:Load quantized model will cause accuracy drop.
1.00MB [00:00, 1.47MB/s]

frames_deep_factor1 = [(frame, model_factor1(frame)) for frame in frames]
CPU times: user 358 ms, sys: 26.2 ms, total: 384 ms
Wall time: 299 ms

frames_deep_factor1_quantized = [(frame, quantized_model(frame)) for frame in frames]
CPU times: user 374 ms, sys: 28.3 ms, total: 403 ms
Wall time: 298 ms
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_deep_factor1, sr)
malaya_speech.extra.visualization.visualize_vad(y, frames_deep_factor1_quantized, sr)