Force Alignment using CTC#

Forced alignment is a technique to take an orthographic transcription of an audio file and generate a time-aligned version. In this example, I am going to use Malay CTC model.

This tutorial is available as an IPython notebook at malaya-speech/example/force-alignment-ctc.

This module is not language independent, so it not save to use on different languages. Pretrained models trained on hyperlocal languages.

import os

os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ''
import malaya_speech
import numpy as np
from malaya_speech import Pipeline
import IPython.display as ipd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from malaya_speech.utils.aligner import plot_alignments
`pyaudio` is not available, `malaya_speech.streaming.pyaudio` is not able to use.

List available CTC models#

Size (MB) Quantized Size (MB) malay-malaya Language
hubert-conformer-tiny 36.6 10.3 {'WER': 0.238714008166, 'CER': 0.060899814, 'W... [malay]
hubert-conformer 115 31.1 {'WER': 0.2387140081, 'CER': 0.06089981404, 'W... [malay]
hubert-conformer-large 392 100 {'WER': 0.2203140421, 'CER': 0.0549270416, 'WE... [malay]

Load CTC Aligner model#

def transformer(
    model: str = 'hubert-conformer', quantized: bool = False, **kwargs
    Load Encoder-CTC ASR model.

    model : str, optional (default='hubert-conformer')
        Check available models at `malaya_speech.force_alignment.ctc.available_transformer()`.
    quantized : bool, optional (default=False)
        if True, will load 8-bit quantized model.
        Quantized model not necessary faster, totally depends on the machine.

    result : malaya_speech.model.wav2vec.Wav2Vec2_Aligner class
model = malaya_speech.force_alignment.ctc.transformer(model = 'hubert-conformer')
2023-03-06 15:37:35.282571: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations:  AVX2 FMA
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2023-03-06 15:37:35.305928: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected
2023-03-06 15:37:35.305961: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] retrieving CUDA diagnostic information for host: husein-MS-7D31
2023-03-06 15:37:35.305965: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] hostname: husein-MS-7D31
2023-03-06 15:37:35.306047: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] libcuda reported version is: 470.161.3
2023-03-06 15:37:35.306062: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] kernel reported version is: 470.161.3
2023-03-06 15:37:35.306064: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] kernel version seems to match DSO: 470.161.3

Load sample#

Malay samples#

malay1, sr = malaya_speech.load('speech/example-speaker/shafiqah-idayu.wav')
malay2, sr = malaya_speech.load('speech/example-speaker/haqkiem.wav')
texts = ['nama saya shafiqah idayu',
        'sebagai pembangkang yang matang dan sejahtera pas akan menghadapi pilihan raya umum dan tidak menumbang kerajaan dari pintu belakang']
ipd.Audio(malay2, rate = sr)


def predict(self, input, transcription: str, sample_rate: int = 16000):
    Transcribe input, will return a string.

    input: np.array
        np.array or malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame.
    transcription: str
        transcription of input audio.
    sample_rate: int, optional (default=16000)
        sample rate for `input`.
    result: Dict[chars_alignment, words_alignment, alignment]

Predict Malay#

Our original text is: ‘sebagai pembangkang yang matang dan sejahtera pas akan menghadapi pilihan raya umum dan tidak menumbang kerajaan dari pintu belakang’

results = model.predict(malay2, texts[1])
2023-03-06 15:37:45.494170: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Allocation of 53942272 exceeds 10% of free system memory.
2023-03-06 15:37:45.523388: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Allocation of 53942272 exceeds 10% of free system memory.
2023-03-06 15:37:45.533111: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Allocation of 53942272 exceeds 10% of free system memory.
2023-03-06 15:37:45.537104: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Allocation of 53942272 exceeds 10% of free system memory.
2023-03-06 15:37:45.560074: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Allocation of 53942272 exceeds 10% of free system memory.
dict_keys(['chars_alignment', 'words_alignment', 'alignment'])
[{'text': 'sebagai',
  'start': 0.10013914233576643,
  'end': 0.5006957116788322,
  'start_t': 5,
  'end_t': 25,
  'score': 0.3489727854749466},
 {'text': 'pembangkang',
  'start': 0.560779197080292,
  'end': 1.121558394160584,
  'start_t': 28,
  'end_t': 56,
  'score': 0.3905156936487866},
 {'text': 'yang',
  'start': 1.2016697080291971,
  'end': 1.321836678832117,
  'start_t': 60,
  'end_t': 66,
  'score': 0.6657784879221825},
 {'text': 'matang',
  'start': 1.4219758211678832,
  'end': 1.7824767335766425,
  'start_t': 71,
  'end_t': 89,
  'score': 0.3326612651595179},
 {'text': 'dan',
  'start': 1.8625880474452556,
  'end': 2.002782846715329,
  'start_t': 93,
  'end_t': 100,
  'score': 0.42831442185974067},
 {'text': 'sejahtera',
  'start': 2.0828941605839417,
  'end': 2.6236455291970806,
  'start_t': 104,
  'end_t': 131,
  'score': 0.3320172826619074},
 {'text': 'pas',
  'start': 2.86397947080292,
  'end': 3.064257755474453,
  'start_t': 143,
  'end_t': 153,
  'score': 0.11881570829171921},
 {'text': 'akan',
  'start': 3.164396897810219,
  'end': 3.3847030109489054,
  'start_t': 158,
  'end_t': 169,
  'score': 0.3623451807407769},
 {'text': 'menghadapi',
  'start': 3.444786496350365,
  'end': 3.945482208029197,
  'start_t': 172,
  'end_t': 197,
  'score': 0.3988869787777544},
 {'text': 'pilihan',
  'start': 4.065649178832117,
  'end': 4.486233576642336,
  'start_t': 203,
  'end_t': 224,
  'score': 0.33269549836911727},
 {'text': 'raya',
  'start': 4.586372718978103,
  'end': 4.846734489051095,
  'start_t': 229,
  'end_t': 242,
  'score': 0.30750036704822425},
 {'text': 'umum',
  'start': 4.946873631386862,
  'end': 5.247291058394161,
  'start_t': 247,
  'end_t': 262,
  'score': 0.26633543572989365},
 {'text': 'dan',
  'start': 5.347430200729927,
  'end': 5.507652828467154,
  'start_t': 267,
  'end_t': 275,
  'score': 0.3746163249118229},
 {'text': 'tidak',
  'start': 5.54770848540146,
  'end': 5.808070255474453,
  'start_t': 277,
  'end_t': 290,
  'score': 0.3845034150083503},
 {'text': 'menumbang',
  'start': 5.868153740875913,
  'end': 6.288738138686131,
  'start_t': 293,
  'end_t': 314,
  'score': 0.4133131646062338},
 {'text': 'kerajaan',
  'start': 6.368849452554745,
  'end': 6.9296286496350366,
  'start_t': 318,
  'end_t': 346,
  'score': 0.2856007218372845},
 {'text': 'dari',
  'start': 7.049795620437957,
  'end': 7.290129562043796,
  'start_t': 352,
  'end_t': 364,
  'score': 0.3331856578826829},
 {'text': 'pintu',
  'start': 7.370240875912409,
  'end': 7.650630474452555,
  'start_t': 368,
  'end_t': 382,
  'score': 0.3570024328726298},
 {'text': 'belakang',
  'start': 7.690686131386862,
  'end': 8.05118704379562,
  'start_t': 384,
  'end_t': 402,
  'score': 0.4434706668115288}]

Plot alignment#

def plot_alignments(
    separator: str = ' ',
    sample_rate: int = 16000,
    figsize: tuple = (16, 9),
    plot_score_char: bool = False,
    plot_score_word: bool = True,
    plot alignment.

    alignment: np.array
        usually `alignment` output.
    subs_alignment: list
        usually `chars_alignment` or `subwords_alignment` output.
    words_alignment: list
        usually `words_alignment` output.
    waveform: np.array
        input audio.
    separator: str, optional (default=' ')
        separator between words, only useful if `subs_alignment` is character based.
    sample_rate: int, optional (default=16000)
    figsize: tuple, optional (default=(16, 9))
        figure size for matplotlib `figsize`.
    plot_score_char: bool, optional (default=False)
        plot score on top of character plots.
    plot_score_word: bool, optional (default=True)
        plot score on top of word plots.
plot_alignments(alignment = results['alignment'],
                subs_alignment = results['chars_alignment'],
                words_alignment = results['words_alignment'],
                waveform = malay2,
                separator = ' ',
                sample_rate = 16000,
                figsize = (16, 9))

What if we give wrong transcription?#

results = model.predict(malay2, 'husein sangat comel')
plot_alignments(alignment = results['alignment'],
                subs_alignment = results['chars_alignment'],
                words_alignment = results['words_alignment'],
                waveform = malay2,
                separator = ' ',
                sample_rate = 16000,
                figsize = (16, 9))

The text output not able to align, and returned scores very low.