Force Alignment using HuggingFace#

Finetuned hyperlocal languages on pretrained HuggingFace models,

This tutorial is available as an IPython notebook at malaya-speech/example/force-alignment-huggingface.

This module is not language independent, so it not save to use on different languages. Pretrained models trained on hyperlocal languages.

This is an application of malaya-speech Pipeline, read more about malaya-speech Pipeline at malaya-speech/example/pipeline.

import malaya_speech
import numpy as np
from malaya_speech import Pipeline
import IPython.display as ipd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from malaya_speech.utils.aligner import plot_alignments

List available HuggingFace model#

CER CER-LM Language Size (MB) WER WER-LM
mesolitica/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-mixed 0.048105 0.041196 [malay, singlish, mandarin] 1180 0.13222 0.098802

Load HuggingFace model#

def huggingface(model: str = 'mesolitica/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-mixed', **kwargs):
    Load Finetuned models from HuggingFace. Required Tensorflow >= 2.0.

    model : str, optional (default='mesolitica/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-mixed')
        Model architecture supported. Allowed values:

        * ``'mesolitica/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-mixed'`` - wav2vec2 XLS-R 300M finetuned on (Malay + Singlish + Mandarin) languages.

    result : malaya_speech.model.huggingface.CTC class
model = malaya_speech.force_alignment.huggingface(model = 'mesolitica/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-mixed')

Load sample#

Malay samples#

malay1, sr = malaya_speech.load('speech/example-speaker/shafiqah-idayu.wav')
malay2, sr = malaya_speech.load('speech/example-speaker/haqkiem.wav')
texts = ['nama saya shafiqah idayu',
        'sebagai pembangkang yang matang dan sejahtera pas akan menghadapi pilihan raya umum dan tidak menumbang kerajaan dari pintu belakang']
ipd.Audio(malay2, rate = sr)

Singlish samples#

import json
import os
from glob import glob

with open('speech/imda/output.json') as fopen:
    data = json.load(fopen)

{'221931702.WAV': 'wantan mee is a traditional local cuisine',
 '221931818.WAV': 'ahmad khan adelene wee chin suan and robert ibbetson',
 '221931727.WAV': 'saravanan gopinathan george yeo yong boon and tay kheng soon'}
wavs = glob('speech/imda/*.WAV')
y, sr = malaya_speech.load(wavs[0])
ipd.Audio(y, rate = sr)


def predict(self, input, transcription: str, sample_rate: int = 16000):
    Transcribe input, will return a string.

    input: np.array
        np.array or malaya_speech.model.frame.Frame.
    transcription: str
        transcription of input audio.
    sample_rate: int, optional (default=16000)
        sample rate for `input`.
    result: Dict[chars_alignment, words_alignment, alignment]

Predict Malay#

Our original text is: ‘sebagai pembangkang yang matang dan sejahtera pas akan menghadapi pilihan raya umum dan tidak menumbang kerajaan dari pintu belakang’

results = model.predict(malay2, texts[1])
dict_keys(['chars_alignment', 'words_alignment', 'alignment'])
[{'text': 'sebagai',
  'start': 0.06008348540145986,
  'end': 0.48066788321167886,
  'start_t': 3,
  'end_t': 24,
  'score': 0.33321882429577904},
 {'text': 'pembangkang',
  'start': 0.560779197080292,
  'end': 1.1015305656934307,
  'start_t': 28,
  'end_t': 55,
  'score': 0.40627123912175545},
 {'text': 'yang',
  'start': 1.1616140510948907,
  'end': 1.321836678832117,
  'start_t': 58,
  'end_t': 66,
  'score': 0.4999573007225997},
 {'text': 'matang',
  'start': 1.3819201642335768,
  'end': 1.7624489051094892,
  'start_t': 69,
  'end_t': 88,
  'score': 0.3155402321564753},
 {'text': 'dan',
  'start': 1.8425602189781023,
  'end': 1.9827550182481752,
  'start_t': 92,
  'end_t': 99,
  'score': 0.4285128627504628},
 {'text': 'sejahtera',
  'start': 2.0628663321167884,
  'end': 2.643673357664234,
  'start_t': 103,
  'end_t': 132,
  'score': 0.30797706184716156},
 {'text': 'pas',
  'start': 2.8439516423357665,
  'end': 3.084285583941606,
  'start_t': 142,
  'end_t': 154,
  'score': 0.2448273648820558},
 {'text': 'akan',
  'start': 3.164396897810219,
  'end': 3.364675182481752,
  'start_t': 158,
  'end_t': 168,
  'score': 0.3999038577079774},
 {'text': 'menghadapi',
  'start': 3.424758667883212,
  'end': 3.945482208029197,
  'start_t': 171,
  'end_t': 197,
  'score': 0.38456097932962396},
 {'text': 'pilihan',
  'start': 4.065649178832117,
  'end': 4.486233576642336,
  'start_t': 203,
  'end_t': 224,
  'score': 0.3332554669607255},
 {'text': 'raya',
  'start': 4.586372718978103,
  'end': 4.826706660583942,
  'start_t': 229,
  'end_t': 241,
  'score': 0.3331461350123278},
 {'text': 'umum',
  'start': 4.926845802919709,
  'end': 5.227263229927008,
  'start_t': 246,
  'end_t': 261,
  'score': 0.26627070903778116},
 {'text': 'dan',
  'start': 5.327402372262774,
  'end': 5.487625,
  'start_t': 266,
  'end_t': 274,
  'score': 0.37489531934261544},
 {'text': 'tidak',
  'start': 5.54770848540146,
  'end': 5.7880424270073,
  'start_t': 277,
  'end_t': 289,
  'score': 0.4166095902522405},
 {'text': 'menumbang',
  'start': 5.84812591240876,
  'end': 6.268710310218978,
  'start_t': 292,
  'end_t': 313,
  'score': 0.42670090425582496},
 {'text': 'kerajaan',
  'start': 6.328793795620438,
  'end': 6.909600821167883,
  'start_t': 316,
  'end_t': 345,
  'score': 0.275826780960479},
 {'text': 'dari',
  'start': 7.029767791970803,
  'end': 7.2701017335766425,
  'start_t': 351,
  'end_t': 363,
  'score': 0.3333086719115578},
 {'text': 'pintu',
  'start': 7.350213047445256,
  'end': 7.650630474452555,
  'start_t': 367,
  'end_t': 382,
  'score': 0.33326695760091263},
 {'text': 'belakang',
  'start': 7.670658302919708,
  'end': 8.071214872262773,
  'start_t': 383,
  'end_t': 403,
  'score': 0.3998415201902393}]

Plot alignment#

def plot_alignments(
    separator: str = ' ',
    sample_rate: int = 16000,
    figsize: tuple = (16, 9),
    plot_score_char: bool = False,
    plot_score_word: bool = True,
    plot alignment.

    alignment: np.array
        usually `alignment` output.
    subs_alignment: list
        usually `chars_alignment` or `subwords_alignment` output.
    words_alignment: list
        usually `words_alignment` output.
    waveform: np.array
        input audio.
    separator: str, optional (default=' ')
        separator between words, only useful if `subs_alignment` is character based.
    sample_rate: int, optional (default=16000)
    figsize: tuple, optional (default=(16, 9))
        figure size for matplotlib `figsize`.
    plot_score_char: bool, optional (default=False)
        plot score on top of character plots.
    plot_score_word: bool, optional (default=True)
        plot score on top of word plots.
plot_alignments(alignment = results['alignment'],
                subs_alignment = results['chars_alignment'],
                words_alignment = results['words_alignment'],
                waveform = malay2,
                separator = ' ',
                sample_rate = 16000,
                figsize = (16, 9))

Predict Singlish#

Our original text is: ‘saravanan gopinathan george yeo yong boon and tay kheng soon’

results = model.predict(y, data[os.path.split(wavs[0])[1]])
dict_keys(['chars_alignment', 'words_alignment', 'alignment'])
[{'text': 'saravanan',
  'start': 0.9011306532663317,
  'end': 1.7221608040201006,
  'start_t': 45,
  'end_t': 86,
  'score': 0.20384644589796308},
 {'text': 'gopinathan',
  'start': 1.822286432160804,
  'end': 2.783492462311558,
  'start_t': 91,
  'end_t': 139,
  'score': 0.18884462366602262},
 {'text': 'george',
  'start': 3.384246231155779,
  'end': 3.6846231155778897,
  'start_t': 169,
  'end_t': 184,
  'score': 0.39843227863319036},
 {'text': 'yeo',
  'start': 3.8247989949748744,
  'end': 4.125175879396985,
  'start_t': 191,
  'end_t': 206,
  'score': 0.19766118923832002},
 {'text': 'yong',
  'start': 4.225301507537688,
  'end': 4.465603015075377,
  'start_t': 211,
  'end_t': 223,
  'score': 0.3175080964962857},
 {'text': 'boon',
  'start': 4.745954773869347,
  'end': 5.046331658291457,
  'start_t': 237,
  'end_t': 252,
  'score': 0.2619183103243723},
 {'text': 'and',
  'start': 5.747211055276382,
  'end': 5.907412060301508,
  'start_t': 287,
  'end_t': 295,
  'score': 0.3749432861805885},
 {'text': 'tay',
  'start': 6.027562814070352,
  'end': 6.227814070351759,
  'start_t': 301,
  'end_t': 311,
  'score': 0.29917768239975223},
 {'text': 'kheng',
  'start': 6.287889447236181,
  'end': 6.508165829145729,
  'start_t': 314,
  'end_t': 325,
  'score': 0.40980812094429014},
 {'text': 'soon',
  'start': 6.608291457286432,
  'end': 6.82856783919598,
  'start_t': 330,
  'end_t': 341,
  'score': 0.36095838113264694}]
[{'text': 's',
  'start': 0.9011306532663317,
  'end': 0.9612060301507538,
  'start_t': 45,
  'end_t': 48,
  'score': 0.32403759161653994},
 {'text': 'a',
  'start': 0.9612060301507538,
  'end': 1.0613316582914574,
  'start_t': 48,
  'end_t': 53,
  'score': 0.16172151565578854},
 {'text': 'r',
  'start': 1.0613316582914574,
  'end': 1.1214070351758794,
  'start_t': 53,
  'end_t': 56,
  'score': 0.3271459142367151},
 {'text': 'a',
  'start': 1.1214070351758794,
  'end': 1.2615829145728643,
  'start_t': 56,
  'end_t': 63,
  'score': 0.13863984176106445},
 {'text': 'v',
  'start': 1.2615829145728643,
  'end': 1.3216582914572865,
  'start_t': 63,
  'end_t': 66,
  'score': 0.3100899855296226},
 {'text': 'a',
  'start': 1.3216582914572865,
  'end': 1.481859296482412,
  'start_t': 66,
  'end_t': 74,
  'score': 0.12218087166559971},
 {'text': 'n',
  'start': 1.481859296482412,
  'end': 1.5819849246231157,
  'start_t': 74,
  'end_t': 79,
  'score': 0.19260261058909395},
 {'text': 'a',
  'start': 1.5819849246231157,
  'end': 1.6420603015075377,
  'start_t': 79,
  'end_t': 82,
  'score': 0.3277939558029208},
 {'text': 'n',
  'start': 1.6420603015075377,
  'end': 1.7221608040201006,
  'start_t': 82,
  'end_t': 86,
  'score': 0.19273886084560748},
 {'text': ' ',
  'start': 1.7221608040201006,
  'end': 1.822286432160804,
  'start_t': 86,
  'end_t': 91,
  'score': 0.19821752309799198},
 {'text': 'g',
  'start': 1.822286432160804,
  'end': 1.9023869346733668,
  'start_t': 91,
  'end_t': 95,
  'score': 0.24466365575791124},
 {'text': 'o',
  'start': 1.9023869346733668,
  'end': 2.042562814070352,
  'start_t': 95,
  'end_t': 102,
  'score': 0.14236060210639628},
 {'text': 'p',
  'start': 2.042562814070352,
  'end': 2.1226633165829147,
  'start_t': 102,
  'end_t': 106,
  'score': 0.24587959051135272},
 {'text': 'i',
  'start': 2.1226633165829147,
  'end': 2.222788944723618,
  'start_t': 106,
  'end_t': 111,
  'score': 0.19432402849205116},
 {'text': 'n',
  'start': 2.222788944723618,
  'end': 2.2628391959798995,
  'start_t': 111,
  'end_t': 113,
  'score': 0.4809796810153063},
 {'text': 'a',
  'start': 2.2628391959798995,
  'end': 2.5431909547738694,
  'start_t': 113,
  'end_t': 127,
  'score': 0.06657212121481149},
 {'text': 't',
  'start': 2.5431909547738694,
  'end': 2.56321608040201,
  'start_t': 127,
  'end_t': 128,
  'score': 0.9809843897819519},
 {'text': 'h',
  'start': 2.56321608040201,
  'end': 2.6032663316582916,
  'start_t': 128,
  'end_t': 130,
  'score': 0.14145582914354954},
 {'text': 'a',
  'start': 2.6032663316582916,
  'end': 2.663341708542714,
  'start_t': 130,
  'end_t': 133,
  'score': 0.3308208386103411},
 {'text': 'n',
  'start': 2.663341708542714,
  'end': 2.783492462311558,
  'start_t': 133,
  'end_t': 139,
  'score': 0.16398282845815856},
 {'text': ' ',
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  'start_t': 139,
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 {'text': 'g',
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  'start_t': 169,
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  'score': 0.33324092626607155},
 {'text': 'e',
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  'start_t': 172,
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 {'text': 'o',
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  'start_t': 175,
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  'score': 0.9839324951171875},
 {'text': 'r',
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  'start_t': 176,
  'end_t': 179,
  'score': 0.3329786459604899},
 {'text': 'g',
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  'start_t': 179,
  'end_t': 182,
  'score': 0.3331602414449056},
 {'text': 'e',
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  'end': 3.6846231155778897,
  'start_t': 182,
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  'score': 0.4990253746509572},
 {'text': ' ',
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 {'text': 'y',
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 {'text': 'e',
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 {'text': 'o',
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 {'text': ' ',
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 {'text': 'y',
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 {'text': 'o',
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 {'text': 'n',
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 {'text': 'g',
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 {'text': ' ',
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 {'text': 'b',
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 {'text': 'o',
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 {'text': 'o',
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  'start_t': 245,
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 {'text': 'n',
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  'start_t': 247,
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 {'text': ' ',
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 {'text': 'a',
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  'score': 0.4999660551551688},
 {'text': 'n',
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  'start_t': 289,
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 {'text': 'd',
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 {'text': ' ',
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  'score': 0.1664268672466278},
 {'text': 't',
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  'end': 6.087638190954774,
  'start_t': 301,
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  'score': 0.33315388361613124},
 {'text': 'a',
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  'end': 6.1477135678391965,
  'start_t': 304,
  'end_t': 307,
  'score': 0.3327598174413108},
 {'text': 'y',
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  'end': 6.227814070351759,
  'start_t': 307,
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  'score': 0.2485089302062991},
 {'text': ' ',
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  'start_t': 311,
  'end_t': 314,
  'score': 0.33261001110077903},
 {'text': 'k',
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  'end': 6.327939698492463,
  'start_t': 314,
  'end_t': 316,
  'score': 0.49705064296723783},
 {'text': 'h',
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  'end': 6.367989949748744,
  'start_t': 316,
  'end_t': 318,
  'score': 0.27309438586235585},
 {'text': 'e',
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  'end': 6.408040201005026,
  'start_t': 318,
  'end_t': 320,
  'score': 0.4960979819297957},
 {'text': 'n',
  'start': 6.408040201005026,
  'end': 6.448090452261306,
  'start_t': 320,
  'end_t': 322,
  'score': 0.4926952719688416},
 {'text': 'g',
  'start': 6.448090452261306,
  'end': 6.508165829145729,
  'start_t': 322,
  'end_t': 325,
  'score': 0.33000425497691016},
 {'text': ' ',
  'start': 6.508165829145729,
  'end': 6.608291457286432,
  'start_t': 325,
  'end_t': 330,
  'score': 0.1999395012855531},
 {'text': 's',
  'start': 6.608291457286432,
  'end': 6.708417085427135,
  'start_t': 330,
  'end_t': 335,
  'score': 0.19994559288025032},
 {'text': 'o',
  'start': 6.708417085427135,
  'end': 6.788517587939698,
  'start_t': 335,
  'end_t': 339,
  'score': 0.24943962693214494},
 {'text': 'o',
  'start': 6.788517587939698,
  'end': 6.80854271356784,
  'start_t': 339,
  'end_t': 340,
  'score': 0.9816552996635437},
 {'text': 'n',
  'start': 6.80854271356784,
  'end': 6.82856783919598,
  'start_t': 340,
  'end_t': 341,
  'score': 0.991400420665741}]
plot_alignments(alignment = results['alignment'],
                subs_alignment = results['chars_alignment'],
                words_alignment = results['words_alignment'],
                waveform = y,
                separator = ' ',
                sample_rate = 16000,
                figsize = (16, 9))

What if we give wrong transcription?#

results = model.predict(y, 'husein sangat comel')
plot_alignments(alignment = results['alignment'],
                subs_alignment = results['chars_alignment'],
                words_alignment = results['words_alignment'],
                waveform = y,
                separator = ' ',
                sample_rate = 16000,
                figsize = (16, 9))

The text output not able to align, and returned scores very low.